The First Animine Academy held in Paris on the 10th and 11th of September was an in-depth opportunity of focus on trace mineral nutrition of animals, based on a Question&Answer format, speakers and participants had the opportunity to discuss and learn from each other, bringing together scientific and industrial points of view.
Monogastric animals have an increasing importance as protein sources for the global human population. The relative better efficiency for farming those animals allows them to increase the interest of monogastric animals in developing countries but also in western world.
Therefore studying the feeding of those animals with the aim to render them even more efficient is very important and has made this workshop extremely interesting. The unusual format of the workshop has guarantee a very interesting and alive meeting.
Six invited experts, gave a comprehensive presentation in their fields of expertise followed by up to 45 minutes of discussion for each given lecture.
This has stimulated the participation of the audience coming from all Europe but also there were many participants from China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and gave the possibility to fully discuss all items.
The Venue was the auditorium of the impressive National Museum of Natural History. There were also some appreciated social events like the Gala Dinner-cruise on the Seine River and the visit of the Great Gallery of Evolution at the Museum.