Cattle Network Working Group
The EAAP Council at its 101 Session established the Cattle Network Working Group to facilitate business and technical co-operation among cattle breeders and producers from its Member Organisations.
Main goals
Exchange of information to promote and facilitate business operations among breeders’ and producers’ associations.
The Network will:
- Monitor and discuss trends in production and consumption of cattle products and policy measures affecting the cattle sector.
- Promote the establishment of a European system for the traceability of cattle products as a contribution to the attainment of food safety and consumers’ confidence.
- Be complementary to the existing representative structure at the Community level (COPA/COGECA), the existing European and international scientific and technical entities, such as EAAP, ICAR/INTERBULL and the European breed associations.
- Meet in the occasion of the EAAP Annual meetings.
- Report to the EAAP Council.
The Working Group has its own website available at: